August 30, 2014

Oh, The Horror!

Yes, these are my actual eyes. My six-year-old daughter did the make up for me.
80s horror film make up? Nailed it!
Vegan MoFo 2014 is about to start and (especially since I missed it last year), I am super fired up for a great run this time around. I've got two previous MoFo's under my belt, but I've never done a theme before. I've never really been able to settle on one - there's so much weird crap that I like to talk about! I love sci-fi and can pretty much talk all day about the minutia therein, but there are already a handful of sci-fi themed MoFo'ers this year. My favorite movie of all time is Aliens, but Chestburster Chorizo and FaceHugger Falafel just don't sound all that appetizing. Don't steal this idea, though! I might go for it next year.
I also love The Walking Dead, but someone did that a couple of years back and it was fabulous - they made a necklace with ear-shaped bread strung on it a la Daryl Dixon. I ask you, how can I top that?!
But there is one thing that I am almost embarrassed to admit I know a lot about, because I was a teenager in the 80s, and because I was weird. 80s horror flicks. There probably isn't a single one I haven't seen. Granted, it's been a zillion years since I've watched any of them, but I loved them so much! They were terrible, even then, but so much fun to watch. So, that's the theme I'm gonna go with. See you come MoFo 2014 time! Only two more days to go...

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