September 30, 2013

What's For Lunch?

Hello strangers! I've been away a while, and I apologize for not keeping up the housekeeping around here. But I have a great excuse...  I got a job! I am now the Administrative Assistant (which is just a fancy way of saying "secretary") for a darling little Methodist church here in Fort Worth. It's only part-time, but you know the Bankrupt Vegan will take whatever work she can get! So, that's been keeping me busy for the past three months. And I really, really love the job - it is truly tailor made for me. The only caveat is that I have literally gained more than twenty pounds since I started the job. Bad, bad, bad... My tight clothes make me feel like a hot sausage about to pop, and there's a huge mirror on the wall right next to my office. Can anyone say, "juicy booty?" Yep, that's what I've got, and I don't mean that in a good way.

Not only have I been eating a lot of delivery and take out for lunch at work, but I'm always desperately starving in the afternoon when I get off work. And, hey, Taco Bell is on the way home! And the bean burritos are vegan when ordered fresco-style. Ugh...

So, now (meaning today) I've started taking healthy lunches to work. Here's what I had for lunch today....

Quinoa Tabbouleh, Walnuts, Organic Raisins, a LARA BAR,
and (not pictured) popcorn with Earth Balance and nooch.

So, my question for you guys is this: If you're a brown-bagger, what do you take for lunch every day? Or what do you pack for your kids' school lunches? I need ideas! And I seriously need to lose weight. So, keep that in mind when making your recommendations. I don't mind make-ahead and hot meals. There's a kitchen at the church where I can heat things up. Thank you, in advance!

P.S. Now that I'm all settled in to my new job, I will start posting new recipes really soon!


  1. Wow, it looks good! :)

  2. Congrats on your job!
    Chickpea salad sandwich, tempeh salad sandwich or you can put both of those fillings on top of a salad, soups, salads, hummus and veggie sticks. Leftover enchiladas. Pretty much any leftovers you can heat up.

  3. Oh yes! I love tempeh salad with cashews. Great suggestion. What kind of bread do you typically use for your sandwiches?
