May 1, 2013

Awesomesauce Food Porn

Ever since the introduction of AwesomeSauce into our home, I have put that stuff on every freakin' bite of food that will stand still in my kitchen. I am so in love with it! To prove it, I've snapped a few photos for ya. Maybe this will give you some ideas for pouring/dribbling/injecting AwesomeSauce into your next meal.

Bell Pepper Enchiladas over rice, topped with AwesomeSauce and Guac (recipe coming soon!)
Three-Bean Chili with Quinoa, over a Roasted Poblano Pepper, topped with AwesomeSauce
Simple Steamed Asparagus, topped with AwesomeSauce and Sesame Seeds

Baked potato with AwesomeSauce and Steamed Broccoli

AwesomeSauce makes the BEST (and cheapest) vegan Mac N' Cheese you will ever eat!


  1. I can't wait for local asparagus. That photo is drool-worthy. I may just have to make a batch of "Awesome Sauce"!

  2. Well, I finally got my act together and tried your Awesome Sauce recipe. w00t!! I served it on steamed broccoli and cauliflower and it was amazing! I'm trying it on whole wheat pasta next, that's dinner for tomorrow night. I tinkered a bit with the recipe and added some Tabasco Sauce, zing! Awesome Sauce with an attitude. Also, I did this batch in the microwave and it came out fine. Thnx!!!
