September 21, 2012

Quinoa with Roasted Corn and Cilantro

My husband, believe it or not, does the majority of grocery shopping for our family. My daughter goes with him and they make it a fun outing, which gives me a nice little break every week. But it also means that I sometimes wind up with weird stuff, and missing some key items too. No offense to my shoppers, they are great! There's just a gap in the way I shop and the way my husband shops. He has to have a definitive list, with every detail on it, or he will not pick up what might be missing in a future recipe. Like, I might see quinoa on the grocery list, and I will immediately know that I want to make quinoa-tabouleh salad and, even if the remaining ingredients aren't on the list, I still know what else to grab. He doesn't shop like that. But that's okay because, really, the wonderful thing about it all this shopping business is that it often forces me to be creative, and it is this exact thing that most often helps me to create new recipes. Like this southwestern version of my quinoa-tabouleh salad. I wasn't sure that cilantro was going to taste good with quinoa, but when I found three full bunches of cilantro, which is easily my favorite summer herb, in my fridge, I knew I had to find more ways to use it than just slapping it into my homemade pico de gallo. That's where this new quinoa salad comes in. It was really light and delicious, oil free, and perfect for any end-of-summer shindigs you might attend.

2 cups vegetable stock
1 cup quinoa
1 large ear corn, roasted (I roast mine right on the gas burner)
2 cloves garlic, minced
Big handful of cilantro leaves (about half a bunch), coarsely chopped
Juice from one large lime
Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Bring vegetable stock to a boil. Add quinoa. Stir, reduce heat and allow to simmer (stirring occasionally) until quinoa is soft. Set aside and allow to cool.
  • Use a sharp knife to saw the kernels off of your corn. Don't cut yourself!
  • Add all ingredients to quinoa. Stir well. Cover and refrigerate.
  • Enjoy! 


  1. I'm sorry you are struggling so much. For some people going vegan is easy and for others it is a struggle. May I ask what type of exercise routine you have? The reason I wonder is because after being vegan for a couple of years I noticed that I was starting to gain weight. I was shocked too because I thought being vegan and exercising three times a week was enough. But as we get older our metabolism begins to slow down. To lose weight not only do I have to eat healthy, but I have to say no to sweets (which is really hard for me too!) and I have to do some type of exercise every day. Now I run two to three time a week and do strength training the rest of the time. Most of the women in my family are overweight so I believe that if I didn't work so hard I would be too.
    I hope it gets better for you. :)

  2. Thanks Veronica. Right now I'm just walking about a mile a day, and occasionally I do an exercise video. I love getting out and walking or biking, and I really love to garden. But right now I just lack the energy to do anything more than slow-walk around the park a couple of times a night.
    Do you eschew white flour and carb-y stuff as well as sweets? I've been wondering if I should get rid of the "white stuff" too.

  3. I try to abstain from white flour, but it is hard. I use the My Fitness Pal app to track my calories. It shows how much sugar you've taken in and that can really motivate you to skip that second piece of cake!

  4. Eat to Live is a great book and is such a nutritious plan to follow. You can do it! Cravings are SO hard, I know. I hope you can figure out what will work well for you!

