March 20, 2011

Meatout with Your Feet Out!

Today kicks off the 26th annual international Meatout event, a grassroots campaign started in 1985 by F.A.R.M.(Farm Animal Rights Movement), with the purpose of educating the masses about the importance of living compassionately, and about how delicious and healthy a vegan diet truly is!

Since it's inception, the Meatout movement has grown like crazy, garnering thousands of new supporters and pledges every year. With the help of volunteers and bloggers (like yours truly), the word spreads like wildfire to every corner of the world, and more and more people get inspired and involved. And that, my friends, is how things get done.

If you can't get on board with Meatout for some reason, F.A.R.M. has started several other equally successful campaigns that might suit your fancy, such as:
To put it lightly, F.A.R.M. busts its hot little hiney to help animals by educating the public about the truth behind their food. Please help support this great group, and all the good things they do (and have been doing since 1976), by dropping a little coin into their tip jar. They need your help, and so do the animals!

If you're new to the Meatout movement, go ahead and order your free  Veg Starter Kit. It's informative and packed with yummy recipes.

Here are links to some other free and friendly vegetarian starter guides too:


  1. Jen! Thank you so much for this post and for your kind words about FARM and Meatout! I also appreciate you sharing so many helpful links with your readers! Thank you so much for participating in the Meatout bloggers' event. You are appreciated! Cheers for the animals! ~ Cindi

  2. You're welcome, Cindi! I am always happy to support hardworking and compassionate organizations such as FARM in any way I can.

  3. Thanks for keeping us aware of what is going on out there in the vegan world.
    Blessings, Debra
    Raw Vegan Diet

  4. Howdy from Meatout. What a great concept for a blog! I'll be back later, for sure. :)

  5. Great post! And thanks for sharing info on the Meatout blogging event! :)
