November 1, 2010

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

I was down to my last sweet little red bell pepper this morning, and I wanted to do something special with it, so I roasted it up and put it into my basic hummus recipe. It turned out really nice! If you have two red peppers, it would be even better, but alas I had only one. Sigh...

Here's the hummus recipe. I ate it with some thin wheat crackers. Nom nom nom. Think I'll dip some carrots in this stuff later on...

1 red bell pepper, roasted, peeled and seeded
2 cans garbanzo beans, liquid reserved
2 cloves garlic
4 tablespoons tahini (or several shakes of sesame oil)
4 tablespoons olive oil
Juice of two lemons
1 tablespoon all-purpose seasoning (or any combo of your favorite spices)
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
Pinch of chili powder
Dash of cayenne
  • First, you've gotta roast that pepper. If you have a gas range, I highly recommend roasting them directly over the open flame, using metal tongs to gently turn as needed. I place my peppers right on the stovetop, over a medium-high flame, and let them roast until the skin is almost completely blackened. If you don't have a gas range, you can roast them under the broiler. Take them out when the skin is black. When they're nicely roasted (soft if you poke at 'em), place them in a bowl and cover for about 15 minutes. Then gently peel the blackened skin off, cut them in half and remove the stem and seeds.
  • Place all ingredients into a food processor or blender and puree until creamy. I generally add about a quarter cup of the reserved bean liquid to my mixture, or more if I want it creamier.
  • Dunk with some crackers or carrot sticks, or slap into a pita with roasted veggies, or make a sandwich with lettuce, tomato, veggie bacon and hummus. The possibilities are limitless. Enjoy!
  • Makes 8 half-cup servings.

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