November 8, 2010

Cinnamon Raisin Bagels

I usually wake up around 7:00AM, but thanks to Daylight Savings Time and "falling back," the last two mornings I have woken up at 6:00AM. I don't really mind, though, because it means I have at least an hour of me-time before the husband and the little one wake up. Me-time generally consists of baking and bad TV. And this morning was no exception!
I have never tried making bagels before, and lately I've been challenging myself to step outside of my comfort zone in the kitchen. Delicious, fresh-baked cinnamon raisin bagels are the result of today's challenge. And, yeah, I know my bagels look more like buns, but it was my first try, so cut me some slack. Here's how I did it...

1 packet of active dry yeast
1 1/2 cups warm (not hot) water
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
2 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
3 1/2 tablespoons sugar (organic preferred)
2 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 cup raisins, packed into a mound (cram a lot of 'em in there)
2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • Combine yeast and water in a large bowl and whisk. Let it stand for 10 minutes, until bubbles form.
  • Add in wheat flour and sugar, whisk until mixed. 
  • Using the dough hooks of a hand mixer (unless you're lucky enough to have a standing mixer), start mixing in the remaining ingredients, except the raisins. Dough will be a little stiff, but shouldn't be too sticky.
  • Knead dough in the bowl (or on a lightly floured surface) adding raisins in a little at a time. Keep kneading until dough is soft and easy to work with, and raisins are well-blended into the mix.
  • Grease the dough with vegetable oil on all sides, and cover bowl with a wet towel. Allow dough to rise until almost doubled, about an hour, preferably in a sunny location.
  • While the dough is rising, prepare a large pot with six to eight cups of water and a pinch or two of salt. About 15 minutes before your dough has completed rising, turn on the burner and start your water boiling. It needs to be at a rolling boil for your bagels to cook properly.
  • Also, prepare a large cookie sheet with butter or baking spray. You can use parchment paper if you like, but you still need to spray it. 
  • Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
  • Punch down the dough, and move from the bowl to a lightly floured table.
  • Roll dough out into a long snaky shape with your hands, and pinch off ten equal pieces of dough.
  • Roll each piece into its own mini-snake and connect the ends to form a circle.
  • Gently place one bagel at a time into the boiling water. I used a slotted spoon for this. Don't overload the water. Just boil two or three bagels at a time. At first they will sink, but when they are cooking well, they will float up to the surface of the water. When they float up, flip them over and allow them to boil for another 30 seconds or so. Then move them to the cookie sheet.
  • When your cookie sheet is covered with boiled bagels, pop it in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes, until the tops are golden brown and the smell of cinnamon raisin infused bread has permeated your kitchen. Ahhhh... enjoy it.
  • Remove bagels from the oven and flip them over with a spatula to cool bottom side up on the cookie sheet. This is to prevent the bottoms from over-browning.
  • When they've cooled enough to be able to handle, you can either eat them straight or cut them in half and lightly toast them. Then slather them with butter! Or vegan cream cheese! Or peanut butter! Whatever you like. They are delicious.
  • Makes 10 medium-sized bagels.
  • Enjoy!
NUTRITION FACTS (per bagel):
Calories: 219.2 / Total Fat: 0.7g (Saturated Fat: 0.1g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.1g, Monounsaturated Fat: 0.1g) / Cholesterol: 0mg / Sodium: 466.9mg / Potassium: 98.5mg / Total Carbohydrate: 48.5g (Dietary Fiber: 3.6g, Sugars: 9.2g) / Protein: 6.2g


  1. Yum, yom, please gimme!

  2. These look great - I love cinnamon raisin bagels and I'm going to have to try these sometime! Thanks!

  3. Great looking bagels. It's been years since I've made bagels.

  4. Bagels are on my list of foods to try making during Vegan Mofo. I think yours look great!

  5. I love this recipe. I have been meaning to make bagels for a while.

  6. AnonymousMay 02, 2013

    I love me some bagels! These sound lush!
