August 10, 2010


"Good morning, gorgeous!" That's what this delicious, healthy smoothie says to me when I make it for breakfast. This is the easiest green smoothie you'll ever make. And it's chock full of excellent vitamins and fiber. It will get your body going and your face glowing in the morning. Try it out for breakfast tomorrow!

2 large kale leaves, stalks removed
1 apple (I used Pink Lady), cored and sliced
1 banana
1 cup soy, rice, oat or nut milk
1/4 cup agave nectar or maple syrup
1 tray of ice cubes
  • In a blender combine everything but the ice and mix until smooth.
  • Add ice through the hole in the lid, one cube at a time. You can do this in quick succession.
  • Keep blending until it reaches the consistency of your liking. Then pour and enjoy!


  1. This does look delicious! love the greens!

  2. Hi! I just recently became a follower of your blog and love it! My family and I are not vegan but we love to try new foods and I will be trying your recipes! Yum! Just about every morning I drink something similar and wanted to share. I put a big handful of baby spinach on the bottom of my blender and then add frozen fruit - strawberries, blueberries, mango, etc and a fresh banana. I then add water to just cover the spinach. Sometimes, if I want a thick shake, I also add ice. I blend and eat! It is DELICIOUS!! :)
